You all know that I ordered my Cool Shapes shorts last week and they came in the mail today! My investment was $173 but shipping was free! The package came with 6 gel packs (only 4 are included in the $150 offer) and a mesh case to help them freeze correctly while in the freezer, 1 pair of compression shorts with 8 pockets, and a carrying/storing case for the shorts.
I think they're pretty neat. You place the gel packs in the mesh case and place them in the freezer for 2 hours before putting on your shorts and placing the gel packs in the appropriate pockets.
I had to wear a sweatshirt while wearing them because it was kind of cold (I wasn't about to make my husband and kids suffer in the 90 degree weather with no air conditioning--but if you're home alone, you could probably save on your electric bill!). However, it really wasn't uncomfortable (especially since you only wear them for 30 minutes), it's just like wearing compression shorts when you work out except there's no slimy sweat dripping down them! Now, there's no immediate results of course, but I took my measurements, so we'll see where I am in a week or two.
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