Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Want a Hard Body!

I forgot that while I was giving you a review of Jillian's new DVD Hard Body, I forgot to give you a list of the workouts!  Instead of her coveted 3-2-1 system, or her other popular technique of one circuit of moves repeated twice before moving on to the next circuit, this DVD has 6 circuits of combination moves done once all the way through and then repeated.  (There is a combination of kick-boxing, some yoga, and, of course, cardio in these circuits.)

Jillian suggests using a range of weights from 3 lbs. to 8 lbs. (going lighter at some points and heavier at others), but I only have one set of 5's, so although that makes some of the moves easier on me, it makes others harder which evens everything out and still gives me a massive burn!

(Some of the moves sound intimidating, but remember, Jillian always provides you with a beginner modification...or you can just do the super-advanced!  My tip is to LISTEN to what Jillian says instead of watching the girls, because some of the girls are a little off on doing the poses right when Jillian isn't looking.)

This is LEVEL 1:

Warm Up: 
-Over-hand jumping jacks
-Alternating step-back planks
-Twisting front kicks
-Skaters in chair pose

Circuit 1:
-Speed squats
-Speed Rope
-Sit-up/Superman combo

Circuit 2:
-Row into lunge and curl
-Crunch with scissor kicks
-Chest press, chest fly, triceps banger in bridge

Circuit 3:
-Calf raise with a shoulder press in sumo
-Donkey kicks
-Weighted burpee
-Curl in crescent pose into a kick-back in warrior 3

Circuit 4:
-Side lunge with a  row into chair pose with a shoulder raise
-Traveling push-ups with lateral jumps

Circuit 5:
-Push-up with a row into mountain climbers
-Jump-kicks in crab
-Alternating lunges with a punch using weights

Circuit 6:
-Surrenders with mermaid
-Squat (with a curl) spinners
-Oblique raise with a side crunch
-Lat pull with a pelvic thrust

Repeat Circuit 1-6 then Cool Down

(Even though I just gave you a run-down of the moves, I ALWAYS suggest buying the DVD for modifications, motivation, and guidance.)

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